Sputum For AFB Test

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If you are being tested for pulmonary TB, the AFB culture is done on phlegm (sputum) coughed up from deep inside your lungs. You will provide sputum in a sterile cup at least 2 days in a row, preferably early in the morning. A healthcare provider may help you get a good sputum sample.

What happens if sputum AFB is positive?
If your AFB smear was positive, it means you probably have TB or other infection, but an AFB culture is needed confirm the diagnosis. Culture results can take several weeks, so your provider may decide to treat your infection in the meantime.
How do you stain sputum for AFB?
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AFB stain or Ziehl-Neelsen acid-fast staining procedure:
  1. The tissues are smeared on the slides. …
  2. Then smear from sputum is fixed by heat or alcohol. …
  3. Flood the slide with carbol fuchsin stain. …
  4. Wash slides thoroughly with water.
  5. Decolorize with acid-alcohol (5 min). …
  6. Flood slide with methylene blue counterstain for 1 min.
How is TB confirmed?
The Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST) or the TB blood test can be used to test for M. tuberculosis infection. Additional tests are required to confirm TB disease. The Mantoux tuberculin skin test is performed by injecting a small amount of fluid called tuberculin into the skin in the lower part of the arm.


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